Friday, August 10, 2012

Family Reunion Time!

My paternal grandpa's family reunion was last weekend and we went up and hung out in Idaho for 1 1/2 days.  We ate yummy, yummy food and participated in the reunion Olympics, which were so fun!  Since we were so close to the Tetons and Yellowstone we decided to make a trip of it!  Luckily J's students were happily taking his final without him needing to be around so it worked out perfectly.  It appears from our pictures that we somehow managed not to get out our camera at all on Saturday at the reunion though.  We'll have to rely on pics from others for that!  However, here's what shots we got from the Tetons and Yellowstone when we realized our camera neglect and wanted to remedy it.

This was definitely the highlight of big J's trip.  Hiking the Grand Teton.  Something like 14 hours of hiking, 7000+ feet elevation gain and about 20 miles round trip.  He and my sister went up and it was just about as perfect a day you can get on the mountain they said.  They were wishing for a small rainstorm on the way down but settled for a swim in Jackson Lake.

Happily reading during some nice, quiet down time Sunday afternoon

Jackson Lake was a mere 10 minute walk from our campground.  It was a lovely lake and we all enjoyed the relaxation of the beach, rocky as it was.

Beautiful Scenery

Firehole Loop

Little A with her big, tall Uncle

What time is it?  Funny face picture time!  Hilarious that four of them are making the same funny face.  

Cute Cousins & siblings

Beautiful Pool & Awesome kids

Little Cuties

Big Boy Buffalo
We saw more wildlife on this trip than I have ever seen on any trip:  buffalo, a bat ( in the girls bathroom no less), a moose, Great Blue Heron, ducks, Pelicans, Elk--huge herd right next to the road, Grizzly, Deer family--doe, fawn and buck right in our campsite sniffing our chairs, Osprey--diving and catching fish even, Bald Eagle, Marmot, Pika, Chipmunks, coyote, wild monkey's--oh wait, those were our kidlets, and unfortunately mosquitos.

This is one of the only shots I got of my niece.  She was a bit shy but I still love her to pieces and I'm sure she'll warm up more quickly next time we see her.

In the trees just over our heads on the way down to the river.  We didn't stay long to admire it though because of what was coming in the next picture.

Oh my goodness!  I got to see a grizzly bear in nature!!  And it was even eating dinner just across Yellowstone River!

We almost didn't stop because we'd just seen bison and figured all the traffic was for more of them.  But we asked the park ranger directing traffic and we got all excited at his answer, "Grizzly Bear!" and had to pull over.

I can't help but take pictures of beautiful flowers.

Hanging out at camp waiting for the fire to die down for smore coals

Dear oh dear, I wanted to take this little one home with me!!  Such a doll!  I already have one of them of course but both of them would be super fantastic!  These gals were really hamming it up for the camera.  I have about 14 other shots of them being this cute and cheesing every other second.

Time for 'smores!  This was little A's favorite activity.  Little J had a delicious alternative of sugar cookies with chocolate and also roasted a delicious marshmallow for my s'more.

The whole Teton crew.  We had a fantastic time!!!

Our fam.  Love them.

Hidden Falls

Awww.  XOXO

Learned a new flower.  Monks Hood.  
My sister knows a lot of plants/flowers and she taught me.  And we also did yoga a couple mornings and she needs to come live with us to motivate me to do that every day because it felt so great!  We all had SO much fun with cousins and brothers & sisters and aunts and uncles and nieces & nephews and grandparents!  I love getting to hang out with my family, which doesn't happen often enough since we're all spread out.  I don't think I've camped with the fam since I was little.  Much as I love the comforts of home, I do love camping and being outdoors!!

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