Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Goodness

This year felt a little like a broken up Christmas. We celebrated on at least 4 seperate occasions. But, I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining--it was fun and the best part of Christmas was seeing so much family either in person or online. I LOVE getting out all the decorations for Christmas and setting them up. Probably even better than getting gifts. I was really excited about our tree this year because I got new ornaments and decided to go with a traditional red and gold theme and retire, for the time, my blue and silver bulbs. And we had a tree outside to throw lights on!
B and J both had celebrations with their classes. For J's co-op preschool class we made cookies and ornaments and then went to the local animal shelter to drop off a bunch of food and cleaning supplies. B's party came the next day with a pinata breaking which I'd helped her class make and then handing out of gifts, which the kids brought--kinda white santa--and of course food. After her party we went home and opened all our families gifts--just from us to the kids and we played with their new toys and things before having dinner.
Post-dinner we celebrated Christmas with big J's family out West through Skype and watched them open gifts and they watched us open gifts from all of them. Whew. Then we put the kids to bed and began packing the car for SC. Santa found us Christmas morning in a hotel in Virginia and delivered all our stockings which gave the kids a few new things to play with on the trip.
We arrived in SC and had 5 fun filled days in warmER conditions with my family. Activities such as tennis, bicycle riding on the beach, swimming or wading in the ocean & pool & hot tub (in that order), professional family pics on the beach,
golf & mini golf, nativity reinactment, MORE present opening/gift exchaning, FHE, lots of cooking and cleaning in the kitchen, church, games & games & more games, bounce house, movies, playing with cousins & nieces & nephews, holding QT babies and more kept us busy.
We saw so much wildlife: from blue herons to bald eagles, live sand dollars to turtles and our favorites, lots of dolphins and an alligator in the wild. Unfortunately, no pics of the wildlife either by forgetting our camera or in the case of the dolphins, they rose and dove too quickly to catch even though they were quite near the shore.

We were sad to go but once it was time we decided not to drag it out too much and made a semi-quick departure. We went not terribly far to my friends' house in NC, whom I hadn't seen in about 7 years and hung out with them for a couple days. They made us some super yummy food, dazzled us and neighbors with some illegal fireworks from across the border, bounced us over to a bounce house near them and fun times catching up and watching movies/playing games and ringing in the new year. We were amazed the older two kids made it to midnight, though little J was about to pass out I think by the time it was midnight. He was thrilled to see the car jump nonetheless. We were happy the kids were actually quite good in the car, everyone loved the vacation, gifts and memories we will treasure for a lifetime. :)
Life is good.


Sandy C said...

You do such a marvelous job of blogging, Pam! Your commentary is so warm and fun and interesting to read. I hope that you are also keeping copies in a scrapbook or something, just in case you don't always have access to this site. These are writings that your family will treasure always. Love you!

Maroussia said...

It will be great to watch US Open Tennis Championship Session 22, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.