Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The thinks we can think......

Okay, so I'm SURE this is a 'you had to be there moment' to truly be as funny as it is to me but I want to remember it. Here's the scene: B and little J are doing their current versions of hand stands (B's actually getting to be pretty good and can take a few 'hand steps') and little A is watching them with fascination. Then she promptly gets up with enthusiam and all the vigor of her mind envisioning she too can do it because it just looks so darn fun and attempts a hand stand as well. Splat. COMPLETELY flat. It could've just as well been a board falling over she was so flat. Didn't bend a single thing. I have never seen a kid fall with such confidence that they could do what no other 21 month old has done before!! I really wish I had it on video because words just don't do justice. Oh the joys of parenthood!!!

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