Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A-- Bug-a-boo H--

OK, so she's 8 months old today and I'm finally getting around to putting another post, but hey, that's how it goes. She was born late June and was 21 inches and weighed 7 1/2 pounds. We are loving our newest additon to the family! B and J are having so much fun with her. J will often pull her on top of him as if she tackled him and B loves to carry her everywhere. We had her blessed in Utah while we were out there for a wedding. She was born exactly one week before her cousin and they were blessed together which was fun. We spent a full three weeks out there and had so much fun! She is now scooting around and will soon be crawling. She loves B and J and they get her to giggle most easily. She's a cutie pie!

1 comment:

Jill said...

She's beautiful Pam!