Friday, April 10, 2009

Update on little Bear

So, as an update with little J about his corn allergy I'm happy to say his
legs have all but cleared up!!! He stopped eating corn, dry cereal, yogurt, popcorn and I've recently opted for 100% maple syrup for pancakes and such and either limit or don't allow products with a corn substance in the first several ingredients. It's amazing how many things have high fructose corn syrup in them. It's about as bad as a soy allergy--which oddly enough he has tested positive to though fortunately we have yet to discover symtoms of it so it may not be as bad as the test says. His corn allergy could always get worse and we'd have to limit other things as well but I'm feeling good on it so far! I feel like a detective though. A lot of work goes into this process--putting clues together, reading very carefully everything we feed him, extra care while eating out, trying to cause as little phsycological letdown as possible to him while restricting so many things from him, research on what to do about each specific allergy, new recipes, experimentation, how to properly handle a reaction, what to do for emergencies, always carrying his Epi-Pen, reading books on allergies, extra Dr. appointments, added lotions/creams to his skin etc., etc. etc.! And I think he's not even an 'extreme' case. But he does have many allergies to constantly worry over. Thankfully his personality could not be better suited for it. Whew! Today as we made no-egg Sugar Cookies, he excitedly told Grandpa that "Mom is making no egg cookies for me so I can have them! And they don't have any egg!" Makes a mom feel good ya know?!


NTFalkFamily said...

What a lot of work -- We're so glad that he is getting better. I have a recipe for Soft Ginger Cookies that are no egg or milk if you'd like it.

Chanko said...

Ooooh, I Love ginger cookies--please do pass it on! :)