These were all received different weeks but we just got the final one so figured I'd post them all together since really they've all been great students all year! We started a tradition (that the kids adore) of a giant cookie for the recipient (to share) for getting this covetous prize.

This little has loved homework since Kindergarten. This year in 2nd grade she adores Math. She comes home and talks about "passing off her 7s". That means she's done several worksheets with addition and subtraction of 7 and completed a page of addition and subtraction with 7s within a certain time limit. She is so excited she has moved on from that and is now starting multiplication. She also continues to advance up the reading chain. She no longer needs to bring home "take home" books and is well above the reading level required for 2nd grade. She loves art and definitely puts her own little unique stamp on her work. She is friendly with everyone in class and I know she is a great student who follows rules, listens to her teacher and is a joy to teach. Even though I miss her during the days the big hugs I get after school let me know I'm still #1 in her book.

This is my favorite little boy. He is a great example of who I think would be the dream student. Social and friendly yet takes his work seriously. He learns super fast and if he went at his own pace he could be well into Jr. High stuff by now. His favorite subject is math but I've also seen him reading a LOT more than usual this year. He started the Harry Potter books but by the 5th one I think it was getting a bit intense and maybe a bit wordy for him. I think he's saving the last two for this summer. He loves funny books. His writing seems to be improving this year; I think he has a hard time focusing on what to say and how to say it but I'm sure it will come along he is becoming a bit of a storyteller. He loves for me to tell him stories from when I was little every night I put him to bed. He shows that also in his reading choices--though he likes fiction he also really enjoys non-fiction stories of people from the past and present.

This gal is also an excellent student. It often takes a little while for new concepts to click but once they do she's got it down good. She has really become responsible getting herself up and ready for orchestra before school 2-3 days a week and choir early Saturday mornings. She really enjoys science, art, reading and writing. She disappeared the other day and let us know quite a while later that she'd made a power point presentation just for fun. It is all about her favorites and things she enjoys. Today she made another one about beaches while Jeff & I were on a date and after she'd gotten her siblings to bed. Adore! She is getting into emailing too which makes me a tad nervous but I trust her judgement and hopefully she will talk to me if any issues arise. She is also using google to find power point pictures. A lot of me wants to look into blocking software to protect her but a lot of me also wants to teach her the dangers and let her make decisions because they are there to make--not blocked. At any rate she is enjoying using technology for the craftier part of her brain. We've also started a Spanish club with friends and it's fun to see her get so into it. I often tell myself that in many schools she'd be a Jr. High kid. I certainly do see her changing and maturing into an great gal.