Bug-a-boo, at 10 months, has discovered the slide!! A week ago, all on her own with literally no direction she surprised us by discovering she could slide down on her belly, hands first. Now she does it over and over every time we are at the park, which has been often lately with the weather turning warmer. Adorable. Sorry the video is a little dark. On this particular slide I had to direct her at the turn or she would smack her head on the side, not that it phased her but still.....
B and little J kept themselves entertained this way while I prepared their lunch and I had to catch the moment it was so cute just the two of them playing the ole classic. Little J finished in classic form with the roll fall he will be in Hollywood for many years from now (as stunt artist of course). Hillarious! Even better is him watching it and by the end laughing so hard with anticipation of his fall that I'm sure he's peeing his diaper!! The chillins' are, for the most part, very loving with one another and very helpful. My how they learn and grow so quickly! We love being their parents!!--not EVERY minute of it mind you, but generally speaking rather. ;)